P4 Reflections On A Fantastic Health Week

Primary four have thoroughly enjoyed participating in the activities planned for health week. Here are our reflections on the week and some photographs of our highlights.


Star Harmonies Musical Theatre Group

I enjoyed when we learned the song and dance with the Musical Theatre group –Rachel


Sports Day

I enjoyed doing the races at Sports Day –Jemma

I loved watching the teacher race –Jaymee-Leigh

I liked the potted sports activities in the morning –Darryl


Come Dine With Me

I enjoyed making Eton Mess at Come Dine With Me and eating it –Aiden

I liked getting to eat the yoghurt at Come Dine With Me –Jack


Roots of Empathy

I really enjoyed our last Roots of Empathy and getting a certificate –Bethany

Here is a photograph of everyone with their certificate for participating.


Lets Talk About It Show

I liked how it taught us you need a friend to help if you are in trouble or upset –Alex



Famous Gymnast Visit

I liked meeting Amy and getting to do gymnastics –Alex

I liked managing to do a front flip in Gymnastics- Daniel

Wheels Day

I enjoyed going outside on my wiggle scooter on Wheels Day –Jay

I liked bringing my bike to school to do wheels day –Michael

I liked racing on our bikes at wheels day –Emma


I liked playing rounders outside this morning –Ethan

I also liked playing rounders -Lara


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