P4 Weekly News

We have had a busy week this week in primary four and have had lots going on that we are excited to share.

Here are our reflections and comments on what we have been doing:

I loved doing handwriting -Lara

I enjoyed rounding to the nearest ten in Numeracy -Michael

I enjoyed writing this week when we wrote our own Trip Advisor on somewhere we have been -Darryl

I liked doing rounding in Numeracy and rounding up to tens, hundreds and thousands -Aiden

I liked doing rounders in P.E with Mrs Howard -Jack

I enjoyed working with P1 and doing the caterpillar life cycle -Ethan

I liked seeing other peoples strategies in Number Talks -Alex

I loved helping come up with steps for our Dance for the summer show -Rachel

I enjoyed seeing baby Archie for the last time in Roots of Empathy -Carla

I enjoyed practising the eight times table in Numeracy -Daniel

I liked getting ready for our Pupil Voice Group assembly -Jay and Jaymee-Leigh

I liked playing the eight times table bingo game -Emma

I enjoyed getting to practice handwriting skills at smart start -Jaymee-Leigh

I liked doing a Trip Advisor review on when I went to the soft play -Bethany


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