P6/5 Weekly News

Another week has gone by, our last short week of P6/5 and we now only have 5 weeks left. We can’t believe how fast this year is going!

We did a Litter Pick this week as a whole school and each class had different areas to clean up. We had the job of the cleaning up the woods and boy, did we find a lot!

We had Impact Arts in working with us on ideas for the fence between the school and the new houses. The ladies who were in  will feed this back and hopefully some of our ideas will be taken on board.

Read on to hear more about our week.

  • Jack – in science this week, we started looking at chemistry and did a couple of experiments and also looked at what jobs you can do if you study chemistry.
  • Callum – it was the last week of Forest School with Greenrigg Primary at Polkemmet Park. We were building a fire and lighting it with cotton wool and petroleum vaseline.  Next week we will be going a full blog for our time at Forest School with pictures.
  • Brogan – we were working with Impact Art on Tuesday for the fence.
  • Charley – in maths we were working on angles and learning how to use protractors to measure the size of anlges.
  • Hannah – we planted broadbean seeds this week with half of the glass leaving their plants in the light and half have put their plants in the dark. We have written a prediction on what might happen to these.
  • Alfie – we had PE with Mr Tennant today and played rounders outside. It was good fun.
  • Eve – we split the class this week for a little while and some of us were in helping Mrs Campbell’s class with writing. We really enjoyed that.
  • Danielle – we did some singing practice for the Summer Show.
  • Brogan – Hannah, Eve and myself represented the school in netball at a festival at West Lothian College. We all really enjoyed this!
  • Charley – Mrs Rankin took over Health and Wellbeing for the P5s this week and we all had a chat.
  • Alfie – we had a reading session with P3/2 this week and they read to us. Their reading has really come on!
  • Fraser – the new P1 pupils were up for a visit this week and we were able to see some of our buddies. Callum got to meet one of his buddies who he hadn’t met.

Have a good weekend in the sunshine!




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