P4 Weekly News

Here are our reflections on this week:

“I enjoyed when Jemma did a show and tell to the class because she is the special person this week” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked doing writing and researching our topic on Spain” -Jay

“I enjoyed pupil voice groups because we got to think about what we are going to share at assembly and got a script” -Carla

“I loved when we got to design artwork for the new fence” -Rachel

“I enjoyed doing a community litter pick” -Daniel

“I liked coming up with a dance in class for our song for the summer show” -Alesha

“I enjoyed in pupil voice groups when me, Amelia and Layla got to take photographs of the groups” -Aiden

“I enjoyed going to the Greatest Showman movie night” -Jemma

“I learned about the eight times table and enjoyed playing the eight times table bingo game” -Emma

“I enjoyed playing sumdog at Smart Start” -Jack

“I liked learning the six times table in Maths and doing the activities” -Michael


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