P6/5 Weekly News

Well P6/5 have had a good week with this nice weather we have been getting. We had our last transition day with Greenrigg on Tuesday, a triathlon for some of our class members on Thursday and our P6 pupils had 2 trips up to the nursery this week to spend time with the new P1s due to start school after the summer.

Read on to hear what else has been going on:

  • Eve – for the P5 transition day, we made smoothies with Mrs Robley & Mrs Warden. I had a pineapple and mango. We could have also had strawberries and blueberries in this if we fancied. We designed and made our own products in groups.
  • P6s – we were able to visit the nursery twice this week. It was good to play with the boys and girls who are coming up to start at Stoneyburn Primary in August. This morning we played Enjoy-a-ball with the pupils. We really enjoyed spending time with them this week.
  • Jack – P2/1 did their assembly this week on Pirates. We all enjoyed it.
  • Brogan – we did a short Drama session with P1-3 in the hall. It was great and it was relating to a story we read called When Will it be Spring?
  • Keris – we had PE with Mr Tennant today and we were outside playing football.
  • Katie – we finished our class novel Wonder this week! We all enjoyed it.
  • Callum – we started HWB this week – this was week 1 of 4.
  • Charley – we have PVG groups today. We were all thinking about what we will share at the PVG assembly in a few weeks.

Charley and Alfie took part in a West Lothian Triathlon at Deans Community High School on Thursday morning. They went along with some P7s to take part in this. They swam, cycled and ran in the sunshine. Well done to everyone involved!

The P6s were at the Queensferry Crossing Education Centre with the P6 Greenrigg pupils on Tuesday with Mrs Rankin. They were working in teams with a Project Manager, Quantity Surveyor and a Health & Safety Manager. Alfie was a Project Manager and Fraser was a Quantity Surveyor. Callum & Hannah were Construction Engineers who helped to build with their teams. They had to work together to build a bridge. They managed it with a few problems to resolve as they went.

Here are a few pictures from this week.


Have a nice long weekend and we’ll see everyone on Tuesday!




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