Exciting Times in P2/1

What a busy term Term 4 has turned out to be already!

Since being back after the Easter holidays, lots of fun things have been happening for us.  Here are just some of our thoughts:

Drama Box Workshop

“I liked it when the fairy got excited and she turned around with her wand and we had to duck” – Finlay

“I liked the banana game – all the questions, the answers were all ‘banana’.  It made us all laugh.” – Seth

“I liked the same a s Seth” – David

PE with Mr Tennant on Friday

“I liked jumping backward, barrel rolls and scissor jumps.  I was very good at jumping over ropes with a scissor jump.  I just jumped over it!” – Leland

“I liked jumping backwards.  It’s called a ‘flop’.” – Finlay

“I liked being with all my friends.” – Rebecca

Working with Mrs Campbell and P3/2

“I drew a daffodil.” – Aleksander

“We write a poem about the daffodils.” – Kacie E

“I drew a nice picture of a daffodil.” – Nikodem

Assembly Practise

“We have worked hard to learn all our lines.” – Gracie

“We are enjoying the songs from it.” – Seth

“We have been enjoying learning our assembly.” – Kyle & Cerys

“I’m really good at my lines.” – Emma

“I know my lines without looking at them.” – Rebecca


This week P1 are looking forward to seeing their friends from P1 from Greenrigg for their last transition day this session.  We will have visitors from the SSPCA and West Lothian Council’s Waste Aware Team to talk to us about the effects of litter on wildlife and the local environment.

P2 will be joining their friends from P3/2 and the P2’s from Greenrigg and will be enjoying a trip to Mill Farm.  We can’t wait to hear all about it!

Today, the boys and girls had the best afternoon creating their own pizza masterpieces with Mrs Howard.  Pics to follow!

Please remember our class assembly is on Wednesday at 2.15pm.  We hope to see you all there.

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