This week in primary four..

Although it has been a short week, we have still done lots in primary four and have been very busy.

We loved seeing baby Archie at Roots of Empathy this week and how excited he was to see us all. Here are some photographs of us with him.

“I was shocked to see how funny baby Archie was at Roots of Empathy” –Michael

“I loved doing division and sharing into groups in numeracy” –Alesha

“I enjoyed seeing all my friends again after my holiday and in drama speaking banana language” –Emma

“I was surprised to see how much baby Archie’s hair had grown since the last time in Roots of Empathy” –Alex

“I loved playing sumdog and I was excited to hear the national competition had started up again” –Jaymee-Leigh

“I was surprised to see that baby Archie could walk and stand up on his own” –Carla

“I enjoyed making up our own six times table game using different voices and actions” –Aiden

“I liked learning about Spanish music with Mrs Ewing” –Lara

“I was surprised that our new topic was Spain and we learned about a famous artist called Pablo Picasso. I also know Picasso made an art out of junk and a bulls head made from bicycle parts ” –Rachel

“I enjoyed making up our own balloon music” –Daniel

“I learned that Pablo Picasso made his first painting when he was eight” -Jemma

“I enjoyed talking about and looking at Pablo Picasso’s Cubism art” -Jack


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