P6/5 Weekly News

So another week has passed by and we have had a good week. We finished off our topic of Earthquakes & Volcanoes with a bang (exploding our volcanoes!) and we had another drama session and we were just busy in general!

Read to hear more about this week.

  • Brogan – on Thursday afternoon we exploded our paper mache volcanoes. We had 4 to explode and we used 3 different methods. Two groups used the same method. The elephant toothpaste explosion was probably the best but they all did explode and the rain didn’t dampen our excitement!
  • Alfie – on Thursday the P6s got to meet the nursery pupils coming up to P1 after the summer. We gave them a tour of the school as well. We don’t know who our buddies will be but it was great to see them in school.
  • Hannah – P6s were at Forest Schools on Thursday morning and we finished off our dens. Next week we will be building rafts from natural materials and also learning to tie knots.
  • Alfie – we had PE with Mr Tennant outside with the P7s. We also did football rounders with Mrs Rankin.
  • Eve – in French this week were created houses for our French Families and decorated these and added our families to them.
  • Cory – in maths this week we were looking at patterns and number sequences.
  • Keris – in writing we were looking at letters again and wrote a letter to either Via or Auggie from our novel Wonder and we were doing persuasive writing.
  • Leah – we were given exit tickets for our Earthquakes & Volcanoes topic. We had to write 3 things we have learnt form the topic and 1 thing we wanted to know about which perhaps hadn’t been covered. Mrs Rankin will find out the answers if there are any.
  • Callum – in Health & Wellbeing, we were looking at our physical wellbeing – how we look after our bodies and the our appearance and discussing why it’s important to look after ourselves.
  • All – in art we were looking at the Russian artist Kandinsky and what we could see in his abstract paintings. Today we started our on Kandinsky inspired piece of art.

Here are some pictures from Drama Box and our volcano explosions!


Enjoy the extra long weekend! Back on Wednesday.


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