P6/5 Weekly News

The last full week in April has gone and we’re nearly into May. What a quick April it has been. We have a good week with our Volcano topic nearing an end and a surprise Drama Box session and then finishing up with Parent’s Evening last night.

Read on to hear what we have been enjoying:

  • Fraser – we started the week making volcanoes with paper mache and then on Thursday we were painting these and looking at ways we can cause them to erupt. We plan to do this next week.
  • Callum – we had a drama session with a lady from Drama Box on Tuesday morning which we all enjoyed. We had to improvise with the start of a conversation “Excuse me, have you lost a beetle?” then carry on with this.
  • Brodie – our parent’s were in seeing Mrs Rankin last night. A few of us were trying to bribe her!
  • Hannah – the brass pupils had a visit to Whitburn Academy with 4 or 5 other schools on Wednesday. We were playing a lot of songs and we all really enjoyed it.
  • Keris – in maths this week were working rounding and estimation of number and calculations.
  • Charley – in reading we had to write a letter to Mrs Ewing telling her what we thought about our reading books, if we were enjoying them and what parts we liked.
  • Brogan – in writing this week we were looking at letter formats and had to write a letter to Mr Tushman, the headteacher from our class novel Wonder, apologising to him for doing something bad in school.
  • Eve – we had PE with Mr Tennant and did basketball and we were looking at the rules.
  • Hannah – the P6s had choir again with the P7s and we were singing Sing and also Part of This World.
  • Cory – we were continuing on with Number Talks sessions during the week.

Here are some pictures of our volcanoes in progress and also some pictures from Drama Box.



Have a great weekend.


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