P6/5 Weekly Blog

Well another week is over and we were busy at the start of the week with our final preparations for our assembly which we hope you all enjoyed. We have had a Roman workshop, Forest Schools for the P6s and literacy team teaching. All in all, another good week.

Here’s what we have been up to:

  • Charley – We had a Roman in school on Tuesday morning who did a workshop with us and the P4s about the Romans and how they lived and where they travelled and fought. He had the full armour and weapons to show us and spoke to us in Latin. We were all given the chance to suit up as a Roman and march. We were split into groups and made a turtle formation to be able to protect ourselves and were under attack from the second group who threw soft balls at us!
  • Alfie – Mrs Rankin & Mrs Ewing were team teaching literacy on Thursday morning. The P6s missed out on this.
  • Keris – the P5s had times table revision this week and we also did some budgeting in money with the whole class. We had to book a trip to London with transport, hotel and 3 activities for £750. Two groups managed to do this.
  • Eve – we continued with volcanoes on Thursday and we worked in groups to create a newspaper front page describing a volcano eruption and have a headline, sub-headings, pictures and a story.
  • Brogan – we did the bleep test in PE and Alfie was the winner reaching level 22. Well done Alfie.
  • Hannah – the P6s had Forest Schools again on Thursday morning. We were building dens.
  • Charley – we had our class assembly on Wednesday morning. It was a good show and nice to see the parents join us.
  • Brogan – enjoyed the daily mile in the sunshine this week!
  • Brodie – we had a super fast music with Mrs Malloch on Tuesday – the Romans Tale over ran so we only had a very short session!
  • Alfie – we have Pupil Voice Groups this week.
  • Charley – The P6s are back doing the choir with the P7s with Mrs Ewing.

Here are some pictures from our Roman Workshop.

Have a nice weekend!


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