P6/5 Weekly Blog

Our first week back of term 4 has been a quick week! We’re all back and looking forward to our last term in P6 and P5.

We have sent home invitations for our class assembly next week and we are looking forward to showing you what we have been working on.

In other news, please read on:

  • Aflie – we are now getting PE on a Friday with Mr Tennant.
  • Eve – we are continuing on with money in maths and hopefully get this topic finished off soon.
  • Jack – we were finishing off our West Lothian Young Writer of the Year entries.
  • Callum – on Thursday morning, the P6s went to Polkemmet Park with the Greenrigg P6s for Forest Schools. We’re there for the next few weeks and really enjoyed our introductory session.
  • Charley – we had music with Mrs Malloch on Friday this week instead of our usual Tuesday.
  • Brogan – we have been rehearsing for our Assembly and will continue to do this until Wednesday morning to make sure we know our scripts.
  • Brodie – during Together Time with Mrs Boyd we were talking about big deals and little deals and how these impact us.
  • Keris – we did our usually weekly reading and one group are keen to get their book finished off next week.
  • Eve – we did some grammar during literacy when the P6s were away.
  • Charley – we finished off our invitations for our class assembly. These had been started last term but as we didn’t know the date, we just had to add this along with some finishing touches.
  • Keris/Charley – for our earthquake topic we were building seismographs to record an earthquake. We worked in groups to build these and everyone managed to get their one working.

Here are a few pictures of the seismographs.

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