P6/5 Weekly Update

We have reached the end for Term 3 and what a quick term it has been. Tying to remember everything we have covered this term is a challenge itself!

We’ll give you an update for this week since we can remember that! On Monday morning the class were given a small concert by our brass pupils. They came into class and played for us all and it sounded really nice. Well done girls! We had our Easter Church Service on Monday which some parents came along to. It was lovely to see everyone. The P6s attended a Cross Country Event for the Whitburn Cluster on Thursday afternoon and did well for Stoneyburn Primary. The P5s had an Eastery afternoon while they were away.

Read on to hear more.

  • Alfie – the P6s went to Blaeberry Hill Park in Whitburn to represent the school in the Whitburn Cluster Cross Country Event. It was hard going running in muddy conditions but we all did well. I came 7th and Callum and Fraser finished in the top 20. Hannah did well in the girls race as well. Mrs Rankin will be sent the final results after Easter.
  • Danielle – the whole school attended Church on Monday for the Easter Service.
  • Brogan – on Thursday afternoon the P5s watched the Yogi Easter Bear with the P1s while the P6s were away.
  • Charley – we started our entries for the West Lothian Young Writer of the Year competition. These are well under way and we will be finishing these off on the first week back after the holidays.
  • Hannah – we were doing kenning poems with Mrs Ewing on Wednesday. These describe something familiar in an uncommon way, without using its name.
  • Eve – we have been making some Easter cards with Mrs Rankin and Mrs Robley this week.
  • Jack – we had our second last session of Futsal on Wednesday. We played games and we’re pretty good at this now.
  • Eve – Mrs Rankin the Pupil Support Worker left Stoneyburn on Thursday. She is moving to a school closer to home. We made her a card and wished her good luck in her new job. We’ll miss her!
  • Cory – in maths this week we continued on with money and we were adding up amounts of money making sure we used the decimals correctly.
  • Hannah/Brogan – with Mrs Ewing we did Big Maths.
  • Leah – on Friday we were doing some Easter maths activities.
  • All – we got outside for PE on Wednesday with Mrs Rankin for some cross country training. The sun shone for us and it felt warmer than it has been. We’re hoping to get outside more next term for PE.

Here are a few pictures of our week.

Enjoy the holidays and we’re back on Monday 9th April!

Have a great time!


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