P3/2 Reflecting on Our Week

Easter Symbols

This week we worked with children from P5, who helped us to make an Easter card.  Before making them, we learned about different signs and symbols that were associated with Easter, then used some of these in our cards.

“I really enjoyed making our Easter cards because we got to design our own ones.”  (Lewis)

“I liked colouring in the Easter symbols and writing the words inside the card.”  (Jordan)

“I really enjoyed colouring them in as well and drawing the symbols.  I put two Easter Eggs on mine.”  (Adam)

Split Pin Astronauts

This week we also spent some time finishing off the astronauts that we made during our STEM Open Afternoon.

“I liked colouring in the astronauts to make them look finished.”  (Lillie)

I feel proud of all our work when I see it on the wall display.”  (Riley)

Easter Service

On Monday we all walked up to the church for our Easter Service.

“I felt really confident doing our part because usually I’m really shy and nervous but I wasn’t this time.”  (Calum)

“I was a bit nervous to go up and say our part but I felt better that I did it!”  (Jada)


Some of us have been learning our 2 and 4 times tables.  We’ve been playing lots of games to help us learn them.

“Our favourite game this week was ‘Hit the Button’.” (Owen & Teejay)

The rest of us have been working on doubling numbers.

“It was trickier this week because we were trying to do it without using any of the cubes or pictures to help us.”  (Billie)

Space Adventure Stories

Mrs Warden has been working with us in Writing to help us create space adventure stories which we are hoping to enter into the Young Writer of the Year competition!

“My story is about landing on the moon and meeting new friends.” (Lexi)

“Mine is about me and my Mum and Dad going to the moon for the first time.”  (Layla)

We hope you all have a lovely Easter holiday!

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