P6/5 STEM Week – News

Well this week was a busy week with loads of great things going on, not just within our class but throughout the school. It was STEM week so we had loads of activities to do for this and we had a visit to the One-Stop-Shop in the village. We also had a Judo taster session to fit in as well as our STEM open afternoon and the Sport Relief Sport-A-thon on Friday morning.

Read to hear more about these!

  • Katie – we were doing out Sport Relief activities on Friday morning. These involved basketball, target & aim games, Go-Noodle, power walking and dance sessions. It was a really good morning with everyone finishing off by doing a Joe Wicks session in the hall!
  • Brogan – we had our STEM open afternoon on Thursday where we presented our Planet posters with our partners to the parents who popped in. We were also finishing off our space rockets we were challenged to build. Mrs Rankin drew lollipop sticks for those who wanted to bring their rockets home for each group!
  • Alfie – we were competing in the West Lothian Primary School SumDog competition. We came 44th out of 267 classes. 2 pupils answered their full 1000 questions during the week. Well done to Hannah & Charley. P7 came 8th so well done to them!
  • Fraser – we had the Planetarium come to the school on Wednesday and all classes got to visit it. We all really enjoyed this and some of us felt dizzy during this. It was very interesting and great to have this in school.
  • Charley – some of the P5s are off to camp Friday to Sunday. There are 8 going from our class and everyone is really looking forward to it!
  • Hannah – we had Marv in giving us a Judo taster session. It was really good and everyone really enjoyed it. He runs classes in Whitburn and everyone got a leaflet home
  • Katie – we had our weekly Craft Club on Thursday with Mrs Rankin. A lot of our class go to this and we were making origami Easter Bunnies this week.
  • All – on Tuesday we had a trip up to the One-Stop-Shop to find out more about healthy eating. We got to try some fruit and vegetables we perhaps hadn’t tried. We got to try blueberries, cucumber, tomatoes, grapes, apple and carrots. We also got a tour of the shop to look for healthy food signs which was really interesting.

Have a look at some of our pictures from this week.


Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to hearing how camp goes!


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