Primary Four Weekly Update

This week we have begun a new STEM topic, Space and we are really enjoying this so far and can’t wait to share our learning about this next week.

Here are our reflections on our learning from this week:

“I enjoyed doing yoga with Miss Eunson” -Lara

“We did gymnastics assessments with Mrs Howard” -Carla

“I learned about verbs and adverbs in reading and I know what they are and can find them in books” -Alex

“I enjoyed learning about Venn Diagrams in Maths and working with Aiden to compare Roman houses and our houses” -Darryl

“I liked creating a wanted poster in writing about Boudicca the celt who fought against the Romans” -Jay

“I enjoyed creating mothers day cards and writing a letter to thank Miss Gracie who has now gone back to University” -Emma

“I liked being part of the Rotary quiz” -Daniel

“I enjoyed learning about the phases of the moon in Science and looking at the moon at night time” -Jemma

“I loved playing a new sight words game on the smartboard” -Bethany

“I liked when we made Easter cards in French with Mrs Ewing” -Alesha

“I liked doing our spelling test for our spelling words” -Jack

“I enjoyed the action game in French for Easter words” -Rachel

“I learned what alliteration is and used this in my wanted poster” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked making as many words as I could out of the word Planetarium” -Ethan


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