P6/5 Weekly News

It has been nice to get back to school after our snowy week last week. We all shared what we got up to in our 3 days off. It was all very exciting to have that amount of snow and we all had fun our playing in it!

We have had a busy week catching up and practising our class assembly which had to be postponed. We are in full swing with our rehearsals though. Once we know when it will be, we will let you know.

Read to on to hear what else we have been up to:

  • Charley – we were doing invitations in writing on Tuesday. We have created invitations for our assembly and these will come home when we know the date.
  • Cory – there was the Rotary Quiz at Polkemmet Primary on Thursday evening. Brodie and Eve attended from our class. Fraser was unable to attend as he was ill so Eve stepped in to take his spot. Stoneyburn came 5th on the night. Well done guys!
  • Keris – we were using our scripts for our assembly and had a few full run throughs. It’s all coming together!
  • Brogan – we were working on poems for Mother’s Day with Mrs Ewing.
  • Danielle – we used the poems to put in Mother’s Day cards.
  • Hannah – we had an assembly with Mrs Gibson where she announced she is leaving Stoneyburn Primary in August.
  • Jack – in Futsal this week we were playing games practising our skills.
  • Eve – we watched songs from the movie The Greatest Showman. A couple of these were called ‘This is Me’ and ‘A Million Dreams’. They were really good.
  • Charley – in maths this week we did negative numbers and started looking at money by making a money poster with vocabulary on this that we use relating to money – see below.
  • Eve – next week is STEM week and we will be building rockets in our class so we need more junk if possible!
  • Alfie – this week it was International Woman’s Week and we saw some interivews on Newsround about this.

The pictures below are of us all showing our posters we started making in relation to money and what methods we can pay for items. These are now on up on our maths wall.

Have a good weekend!


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