Primary 4 Weekly News

We have had a very fun week in primary four and really enjoyed getting to perform our Roman play to the school on Wednesday afternoon. We were delighted that so many people came to see us perform and share our knowledge of our topic The Romans.

Here are our reflections this week:

“I enjoyed when everybody sang happy birthday to me” -Alex

“I enjoyed getting to see baby Archie after he came back from his holiday” -Bethany

“I liked Maths when we got to create our own survey and then got to go round the school to other classes to collect the information” -Daniel

“I enjoyed the class assembly and getting to perform our Roman play” -Rachel

“I enjoyed learning about speech marks and finding them in books and writing them down” -Alesha

“I enjoyed going to the listening group with Miss Gilroy it was really fun” -Jemma

“I liked writing sentences and making sure we put commas in the right places”-Jack

“I enjoyed writing about a Roman character in writing” -Carla

“I liked doing show and tell and getting to share old coins” -Darryl

“I liked getting to write my story on a laptop” -Ethan

“I liked creating our own sequences in gymnastics” -Michael

“I enjoyed in music with Mrs Ewing when we got to listen to music and draw what animal we thought it was” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked making Roman shields, armour and helmets for the Roman soldiers and centurion” -Jay

“I really enjoyed designing the emotional emojis box where we can put jokes and our worries in” -Aiden


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