Primary 4 Weekly News – Friday 2nd February

On Monday, we welcomed Miss Gracie into our classroom who is going to be working alongside Miss Eunson for the next five weeks.

This week we have been working hard practising and preparing for our short roman play which we will be performing at our class assembly next week . We have been researching Roman clothing, making our own props, outfits and costumes. We hope to see you all there next week (Wednesday 7th of February at 2.15pm) so we can show off our knowledge of the Romans and our learning from our topic.

On Thursday we enjoyed our day with the whole school focusing on Health and Wellbeing and where our next steps are as a school. We talked about the SHANNARI wellbeing indicators and thought of examples of how we feel and stay Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible, Included and Safe at school.

Here are our reflections on our week:

I liked doing our assessed piece of writing where we got to write a story about a mysterious shadow” –Darryl

“I enjoyed getting to collect information in tables using tally marks in Maths” –Rachel

“I liked when we did mental maths in our jotters” –Daniel

“I enjoyed when we got to paint and design Roman roads” –Emma

“I liked doing number talks” –Jay

“I enjoyed being in the JRSO pupil voice group and when we got to measure how tall we were to measure how tall you need to be without a car seat” –Michael

“I enjoyed meeting Miss Gracie and welcoming her to our class” –Aiden

“I liked doing gymnastics with Mrs Howard” –Jack

“I liked practising for the Roman play using props” –Alex

“I liked designing and painting Roman shields” –Lara

“I liked having relax and read time in our classroom where we got to choose our own books” -Bethany

“I liked working as a whole school for health yesterday”- Ethan

“I liked getting to make a poster for the pupil council” – Jemma

“I liked answering questions in circle time with Miss Gracie” – Alesha

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