Primary 4 Weekly News

Here are our reflections on our week:

“I really enjoyed practising our songs and words for our Roman assembly” -Jemma

“I enjoyed playing the hit the button game to help us learn our times tables” -Rachel

“I enjoyed doing gymnastics with Mrs Howard” -Jay

“I liked doing the character cop activity in reading and adding four numbers together in number talks” -Alesha

“I liked learning the times table song to try and remember our times tables” -Jack

“I enjoyed writing where we got to do a poster on a Roman topic of our choice” -Darryl

“I enjoyed practising our song we are going to perform at the ceilidh with Mrs Ewing” -Carla

“I enjoyed researching what outfits the Romans wore in Roman times” -Daniel

“I liked practising the dances for the ceilidh” -Michael

“I liked drawing arrays for the 4 times table” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed doing partitioning in maths” -Ethan

“I liked numeracy when we got to add hundred and thousand numbers together” -Emma




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