P6/5 Snowy Week

Well it’s been a nice week with the snow to look out on but not so good for getting everyone to school! We all made it in safely and had a good week. We have all enjoyed getting outside at lunchtimes to play in it while it’s nice snow and not icy/slushy snow.

Just a reminder to everyone that our gym days this term are Tuesdays and Wednesdays so we need to remember our PE kits for both days.

Please read below to hear what we got up to in class:

  • Danielle – P5 pupils were continuing this week looking at friendships on Thursday and we had to create a promotional poster displaying 5 qualities we like in our friends.
  • Brogan – Mrs Malloch started working with our class this week doing some NYCOS games to help us improve our singing. She will visit us on Tuesday mornings just before lunchtime. It was a good session with her.
  • Jack – we continued to look at fractions this week and were looking at a fraction of a number.
  • Charley – on Tuesday we looked at poems in Scots and had to work out what they meant. I was looking at one called The Windae Cleaner – it was funny.
  • Hannah – with Mrs Loosemore on Wednesday, we had a general knowledge quiz. Brodie & Keris were the winners – well done!
  • Cory – we had our usual ERIC (Everyone Reading In Class) smart start on Thursday. I really enjoyed reading the book I had.
  • Charley – we started our new topic this week of Earthquakes and Volcanoes. We started by finding out what we know about these and then we all said what we want to learn about these.
  • Jack – Futsal is back on again on Wednesdays. Our usual coach couldn’t make it but we got Andrew instead and played games.
  • Charley – we did a lesson on how to answer questions this week as we need the practice on making sure our answers are clear and in a well structured sentence.
  • Katie – we found out about the Ceilidh next week with Our Lady’s next Wednesday evening.
  • Brogan – in music this week we worked in groups tapping our rhythms we had created before and this time we got to select an instrument to use for these.
  • Charley – we continued reading our class novel, Wonder. We are all enjoying this.
  • Eve – we were summarising in literacy this week. We had to write a summary of our reading for this week.
  • Hannah – the P6/7s had their final practice before the ceilidh next week with Our Lady’s. We are all set for our performance.

Have a nice weekend in the snow if it stays!



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