Welcome Back from the Monster Hive

We have had a very busy first week back.

Our PE days this term are Mondays and Fridays could you please make sure that the children have appropiate PE kit with them on these days.


This week we have been busy learning about Winter, Robert Burns and lots of other new things.

” I loved dong the Jack Frost poems and pictures.  The best bit was the colouring in the frosty hair.”  Leon

“I really enjoyed designing winter hat, gloves and scarf.  We had to use either hot colours or cold colours and they all had to match.” Bayliss

” I loved doing our own tartan and making kilts.” Calum

” I have been learning lots of things with Mrs Sibbalds class.”  Lexi

” I really enjoyed learning about how food was made.” Teejay

” We had a really tricky challenge at numeracy time when we had to group numbers.” Lewis

” I love watching some of the Snow Queen.” Billie

“Maths this week was great as we did tricky puzzles.” Jada

Next week we are all looking forward to our transition day.  The Primary 2 boys and girls will be travelling to Greenrigg on the bus.


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