Welcome back from Primary 4 and Miss Eunson

We have had a busy and exciting first week back after the Christmas holidays. We have begun our new class topic -The Romans – and are really enjoying this so far.

This term, primary four are going to have gym on Mondays and Tuesdays. Can you please make sure appropriate gym kits are brought in on these days.

Here are our reflections on our first week back after the Christmas break.

“I enjoyed getting to find out my part for our short roman play for our class assembly” -Carla

“I have enjoyed our new topic, the Romans and getting to find out what the Romans invented” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I learned about the story of Romulus and Remus and enjoyed getting to retell the story with my partner Ethan on a storyboard” -Alex

“I enjoyed learning my six and eleven times table” -Emma

“I liked learning the six times table and the ICT times table game where you got to hit the button for the right answer” -Daniel

“I loved getting to practise my number bonds to 10 on a ICT game” -Jemma

“I liked learning my four times table and trying to remember the facts” -Alesha

“I learned that a lot of the things the Romans invented are still used today like cranes, toliets, public baths and central heating” -Michael

“I enjoyed learning new songs for our Roman play” -Aiden

“I liked learning what countries the Roman empire invaded and when I got to be the teacher in a number bonds game” -Ethan

“I enjoyed writing this week where we got to write about what we did on Christmas day” -Bethany

“I enjoyed doing listening games with Miss Gilroy and learning that you can work out the six times table if you know the three times table and that you can double the answers” -Darryl

“I enjoyed creating a Roman invention poster” -Rachel

“I liked doing the speedy times table activity and learning how to subtract on number lines” -Jack

“I liked the capital letter and full stops game to help with writing” -Lara

“I liked learning Roman songs” -Jay

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