Merry Christmas from Primary Four and Miss Eunson

Its only 3 sleeps until Christmas day and all the boys and girls in Primary four are very excited! We have had a busy and exciting week leading up to the holidays with our Christmas service on Monday, P3 and P4 party on Tuesday and our Christmas Lunch on Wednesday.

Here are some photographs of us this week when Primary 3 joined us and we worked together to complete a technology challenge to design Santa a new sleigh. We worked hard to discuss the special features of the sleigh and drew and labelled our designs.

Here are our reflections on the week:

“I liked watching the film Elf after our lunch on Wednesday” -Jay

“I enjoyed getting to share our writing with Primary 2/1 and 3/2” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked when we did technology and got to design a Santa Sleigh” -Darryl

“I enjoyed the Christmas party with my class and primary 3” -Aiden

“I enjoyed getting to tidy up the mess our class elf Bernardo made on Thursday” -Emma

“I loved finishing off the Christmas jumper designs” -Lara

“I liked writing different ways to make numbers” -Jemma

“I have loved spending time with Bernardo” -Alesha

“I liked learning about our new topic, The Romans, that we will be doing after Christmas” -Ethan

“I liked when Bernardo our class elf left us all a chocolate lolly” -Jack

“I enjoyed winning the prize for the best Christmas jumper design” -Carla

“I liked guessing the time of the clock and trying to remember what time lunch time and break time were” -Alex

“I liked when Bernardo the elf put all the chairs upside down in our classroom” -Rachel

“I enjoyed answering different money questions in Maths” -Michael

“I liked finding fractions of money in Maths” -Daniel

“I liked Blurb’s big read with Mrs Campbell on Wednesday” -Bethany

Sadly today we had a note to say goodbye from our class elf on the shelf Bernardo. He left us a chocolate lolly each and we really hope he comes back next year.

Finally, Miss Eunson would like to wish all the boys and girls and their families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year when it comes and all the best for 2018!

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