An exciting week for Primary 4

We have had a very exciting and busy week in Primary 4.

Here are some photographs of us on Tuesday evening before and during our Christmas show.  We would like to say a big well done to Primary 2/1 and 3/2 for their amazing performance of Light’s Camel Action It’s Strictly the Nativity!





On Thursday, we wrote letters to P2/1 and P3/2 about their nativity performance and we can’t wait to share them with them next week.

We have been working hard in Maths ordering different amounts of money, adding amounts together to calculate the total, converting between pence and pounds and also solving money word problems.

Here are some photographs of us in action..



Here are some of our reflections on the week:

“I liked the tig game in gym with Mrs Howard” -Jay

“I really enjoyed going to the pantomime on Wednesday, I thought it was funny” -Aiden

“I liked when the guy from the pantomime chose me in the audience” -Jack

“I liked doing the money bingo game and finding different ways to make  amounts of money” -Alesha

“I enjoyed being part of the Christmas show and singing ‘Yeah Tomorrow’s Christmas’ -Carla

“I enjoyed solving money word problems” -Emma

“I liked going to the pantomime and getting to high five the character Danny” -Jemma

“I enjoyed writing a letter to P2/1 and P3/2 about what we thought about their nativity performance” -Daniel

“I liked learning about baptism and what this is in RME” -Alex

“I liked the money game on the computer and adding six different amounts together” -Michael

“I enjoyed handwriting today and getting to peer assess each others work” -Lara

“I liked when our class elf destroyed the Lego and made a mess” -Bethany

“I liked designing my own Christmas jumper” -Ethan

“I liked going on the bus to the pantomime” -Darryl



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