Busy! Busy! Busy!

It really has been hectic these past couple of weeks, so much to do already and so little time to do it! As well as our Christmas enterprise stuff, we have been continuing with our ordinary everyday things like, Maths, Reading, Writing, Music and gym!

Our business and craft skills were put to full use when we were designing and creating the items that we were going to sell at our stall at the Christmas Fayre.

In Maths we continued to work with equations, but we also began to work with money leading up to our selling.  We had to work to a budget for different reasons. The best one was designing the Brown Family’s Christmas, as well as the presents to buy , we had to budget for their christmas dinner!

We also tried something completely new and  had ‘fun’ working with the Japanese Line method for multiplication!!

In our creative writing, we used a short film for inspiration in writing a thrilling story with a cliff hanger ending. This week we moved onto lighter themes and began writing a Christmas story for P1!

It has really been busy and we think its just going to get busier with rehearsals for Nativity, choir performances,  Christmas church service and of course end of term parties! It really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!  Here are our thoughts from the last two weeks (no internet last week!)

“I like moving onto the next step of our equations – they are challenging, but fun”- Kieran McG

“I really enjoy singing with the choir we are getting more and more confident! I am  looking forward to performing at the Santa Parade and at the pensioners dinner” – Erin

“I thought using the short film for inspiration for our writing was brilliant!”- Sarah

“I enjoyed making the snowmen for our Christmas fayre” – Leon

“The angels made out of lollipop sticks were fun to make, and they looked good when they were finished”- Madyson

“Making the snowmen was fun. When we had finished them, they looked nothing like how they started out and you wouldn’t be able to guess what they started from!” – Kuba

“It is really great doing the Nativity with the younger ones, it is good to see it all coming together!” – Katie

“I liked writing the thriller last week, but this week we were writing a Christmas story for P1 and I enjoyed that even more! I’m looking forward to reading my story to them!” – Natasha

“I enjoyed meeting our new gym teacher Mrs Howard on Monday. We will be working with her on a Monday now instead of Mrs Warden on a Wednesday” – Kuba

“When we sang our song to the school at the Nativity rehearsal, everyone got emotional. I’m glad they like our singing” – Shayne

“Selling our snowmen at the fayre was fun, it was good to work behind the counter” – Erin

“We got to watch the movie Percy Jackson and the lightning thief because we have been reading that as our class novel. I liked it” – Robbie G

“The Percy Jackson film was good, I enjoyed watching it, but the film is very different from the book!” – Sarah

“Taking part in the netball tournament was fun. I think I defended well!” – Leon

“I got a shout out on the school blog for being a good goal shooter at the netball tournament” – Leah

” We had fun trying the Japanese line method for multiplying! It looked easy but it was a bit tricky, but we managed it” – Kieran McG


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