P4 Weekly Update

Apologies for this not being uploaded at the end of last week, the glow system was down on Friday for all staff until Monday which meant Miss Eunson could not get access to post on the blog.

Here is our post from Friday:

Primary Four have had a very busy week.  On Tuesday we loved sharing our learning with parents and showing them how we do paired reading with Primary Seven. We have enjoyed making our crafts and getting prepared for the Christmas Fayre next Tuesday.  On Wednesday, we enjoyed a visit from baby Archie during our Roots of Empathy and were so pleased to see how happy and smiley he was. Today, in P4 we got a visit from a special Elf on the Shelf who came with a letter asking us to create a name for him.

Here are our reflections on the week:

“I liked meeting our Elf on the Shelf” –Alesha

“I enjoyed doing Health and Wellbeing and talking about our feelings and what makes us feel good about ourselves” –Rachel

“I enjoyed doing paired reading and reading my book to P7 partner Jay” –Carla

“I liked doing listening games with Mrs Rankine” –Darryl

“I enjoyed decorating our classroom for Christmas” –Alex

“I liked writing this week because we got to write about a good friend and I also liked doing listening games with Miss Gilroy” –Aiden

“I liked designing ourselves as Elves” –Jack

“I enjoyed making a name for our Elf on the Shelf and listening games with Miss Gilroy” –Emma

“I loved our visit from Reverend Malloch and getting to ask him questions” –Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed getting prepared for the Christmas fayre and making posters with our class business logo on it” – Michael

“I enjoyed painting and designing things for our Christmas fayre” –Jemma

“I liked doing basketball with Mrs Warden” –Jay

“I enjoyed doing gymnastics with Miss Eunson” –Daniel

“I enjoyed designing myself as an elf” –Lara

“I liked getting to write about my good friend Aaron” –Ethan

“I liked our ‘Relax and Read’ time and getting to come up with a name for this” -Bethany

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