Another week, more achieved!

It’s getting even busier in our classroom, with Christmas fast approaching we have started our enterprise topic. We are all being very creative and it is exciting to see our things taking shape. We really like what we are making. We hope that you will like them as much as we do,  and buy them!

Maths has been really challenging this week, we have been working with Algebraic equations! We started by finding missing numbers in a sum e.g. x +5= 17 what is the value of x ? Then we moved to working with much more complicated equations e.g. 3x + 5= 26, what is the value of x? When we were confident with this we moved onto even harder ones: 4x +2 = 3x +9 what is the value of x? We need a bit more practice with the last example but we getting to grips with it. It has been challenging but fun doing these equations and we are delighted when we calculate the equation correctly!

Another first for us this week was working with the P4’s. We have teamed up together to do paired reading. Working with P4,  has let us get to know them better, and in reading together, we can share our skills with them, hopefully helping them to become more confident readers.

We also work with our buddies in P1 during their Smart Start on Thursday mornings. This helps make our relationship with our buddies stronger, and also lets them know that we are here for them, and they are important to us!

“I really enjoyed doing Algebra, it was really hard to start with, but with practice I understood it more and I found it fun to do” – Sarah

“Painting the characters for the Infant Nativity was fun” – Matthew

“Our language work was all about making inferences,we learned how to make inferences from pictures and from text, by using what we know, and adding that to explicit details from a picture or text. This will help us with our own reading and writing” – Kuba

“I’m glad we have started our Christmas Enterprise work, it’s fun making things!” – Kieran Mc

“I enjoyed making the things we are going to sell at the Christmas Fayre” – Robbie

“I like being creative” – Brad

” Doing Paired reading with P4 was exciting” – Leon

“I liked spending time with my buddy during Smart Start” – Erin

“Playing Basketball games with Mrs Warden was tiring but fun!” – Katie

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