Primary Four – Weekly Update

Here are our class thoughts and comments on what we have been learning about this week and what we have enjoyed.

“I liked doing gymnastics and when we got to play hop tig” -Jay

“I enjoyed going to the Levenseat competition and the listening games with Miss Gilroy” -Aiden

“I enjoyed when the parents came in on Tuesday and we got to show them what we have been doing in class” -Darryl

“I loved when we got to write about our Transition day with Greenrigg” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked doing music with Mrs Ewing and I liked learning half past, quarter past, quarter to and other times on a clock in Maths” -Alesha

“I enjoyed getting to do paired reading  and activities with P2/1” – Rachel

“I liked doing the target number for Number Talks and smart start” -Daniel

“I enjoyed practising words to write a sentence in handwriting” -Michael

“I enjoyed doing the cut and stick time activity when we had to put the five past and all the times in the right place on a clock” -Jack

Update on Gym Times

Primary 4 will now have gym on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please can you make sure you have your gym kit in on each of these days.


Miss Eunson

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