P3/2 Have Been Working Hard!


We have been doing some subtraction work this week.  We know how to do this using Rekenreks and we have now moved on to drawing number lines and counting backwards.  Here are some pictures of us at work below.


Number Lines:


We have been focusing on nouns, verbs and adjectives and have been trying to identify these in different books this week.  We’ve added some examples to our class wall:

Today we were challenged to create and write our own sentences which had to have at least one noun, one verb and one adjective in them.  Here’s some examples of what we came up with:

Castle Collages

As part of our class topic on Castles, we have been busy making ‘Castle Collages’.  First we had to draw our own castle by copying the main shapes from a picture of one.  This part was quite tricky because we had to try to make it the correct shape and size.

Next, we have started to add brown paper to it to make it look like brick or stone.  We left little spaces in between each one so that the other paper shining through looked like the cement.

We have still to add more detail, like the windows, the portcullis and the moat.

We hope Mrs Campbell feels better soon as we are missing her lots and looking forward to seeing her again.

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