P2/1 ‘Learning Together’

Thank you to the mums and dads who attended our ‘Learning Together’ morning in P2/1. The children really enjoyed having you in. Thank you also for taking the time to complete the feedback sheet; it’s much appreciated! Here are the comments from this morning:
‘Great fun with the kids. Loved getting to spend time in class. Lots of choice in activities.’
‘Loved spending time with [child] in class and finding out what the kids are doing in class. It was great fun.’
‘Lots of fun things for the kids. Nice to see what they are doing in class. [Child] loved to draw pictures.’
‘We loved seeing [child] in her class and all the activities she could do.’
‘Great fun this morning, nice to see what the kids get up to in the morning before lessons. [Child] loved having mum in for a bit.’
‘Great to see [child] learning and to see her confidence improve.’
Our next ‘Learning Together’ will take place Tuesday 6th February 2018. Hope you can make it 🙂

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