Writing, designing, building, making, playing!

Although it has been a shorter week than usual, we have worked just as hard! On Tuesday we wrote letters to our MSP (Angela Constance)  thanking her for spending time with us when we visited the Scottish Parliament. We made sure that our letter was correctly set out, and we used appropriate specialist vocabulary e.g. constituency;schedule etc.

We are continuing to use Literacy circle work with our reading and are each taking responsibility for a different task each week. Our lessons this week included some new games on the smart board with challenges for us to do. In the afternoon we continued with our Forest Schools experience. This week our dens began to take more of a recognizable  shape as we started to build the walls and roof. Those of us who were at a Netball Tournament last week, are behind the others with our den but we collected sticks and branches to start our den, and Tracey showed us how to use a specialist saw to cut through a tree.

As part of our Ancient Greeks Topic, we learned about the Trojan War. We made a Trojan horse for our wall display. That was how the war was finally won, after ten years, when the Greeks tricked the Trojans with a wooden horse which, unknown to the Trojans, contained hidden Greek soldiers inside.  With the success of this trick, the Greeks won the war.

Mr Tennant kept us busy during gym time with bleep tests and Ultimate Dodge Ball. It was challenging but great fun!

“I really enjoyed gym with Mr Tennant, playing Ultimate Benchball which includes, dodgeball, benchball and basketball was the best fun ever!” – Robbie G

“I am glad to be back at school after the October Break” – Leon

“The Beep Test was challenging, Brad and I got to 13.1” – Sarah

“I liked hearing about the Trojan War, and I loved  making our own Trojan horse”-Katie

“Forest Schools was even better this week, we got to start building the walls and the roof of our den” – Kuba

“I really liked writing a letter to our MSP Angela Constance” – Brad

” I thought putting our Trojan horse together was fun. We all had to make individual planks of wood, then we fitted them together to make the horse.” – Madyson

“The new games that we played at reading were challenging but great fun” – Robbie McC

“I taught Kuba how to play downfall and showed him different strategies to use”- Erin

“We have a happy book in the class, where we can write down things that have made us happy, or smile. We hope that if someone is having a bad day or feeling bad, they can look in the book and that will maybe help them feel better. I wrote a joke in it today, I enjoyed doing that!” – Robbie G



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