Wonderful Word Week in P2/1

What a fantastic start to Term 2 in P2/1!

On Wednesday, we were introduced to someone who has been living in a box in our classroom!  He’s been hiding and the P1 boys and girls have been asking who he is and what he does.  The P2 girls know all about him and were very excited to share what they knew.  His name is Stitch.

We received a letter from him to say that he had been listening carefully to our learning and he knew that we were now ready to help him save his planet!  He comes from a planet very far away and on his planet, words are generated to created power.  However, his planet are running low on new words and life is very difficult with little power.  So he needs our help!  He’s back on his mission to collect new vocabulary.

He has asked P2/1 to send any new vocabulary that they learn, read or write so it can be sent back to his planet to be put into the vocabulator – the machine that changes words into power!

The boys and girls are VERY excited to start sending words and have been listening very carefully to stories to hear if they can spot any words that are new to them.

We are also starting to sort new vocabulary into anchor words, goldilocks words and step on  words.

Anchor words –  words that we hear a lot and we all mostly know the meaning of.

Goldilocks words – words that are not too easy or too tricky.  Words that would be great to use in our writing.

Step on words – words that we don’t hear that often or that are very specific to topics.

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