P4 This Week

Maths – Izak9

This week we enjoyed using IZAK9 for some of our maths work.  For one of the tasks we had to use our knowledge of the 8 compass points to help us complete the challenge.  Here’s some pictures of us working in our groups:

Halloween Artwork

We also did some painting this week, but not with paint brushes – we used paper towels instead!  We created silhouettes of bats by dabbing white paint over the bat shapes that we had cut out and stuck onto the card.  Once the paint was dry, we peeled the bats off to reveal the silhouettes.  Here’s our finished pieces:

Sunny Synonyms

Yesterday we worked with a partner to create sunny synonyms.  Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings.  We thoughts of WOW words that could be used instead of common everyday words.  Here’s what we came up with:

We hope Miss Eunson is feeling better because we’re all missing her and are looking forward to welcoming her back soon.

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