P3/2 Busy Week

Tuesday we came back from our October holidays.  We wrote about the things that we all did.

Owen had a great time at butterfly world.

Adam loved meeting Mickey Mouse on his adventures to Disney Land Paris.

Kaseylee and Shay loved their time at the caravan.

Alexander loved staying at his grans house.

Riley really loved seeing his grans new caravan.

On wednesday we designed our pumpkin faces for our infant competition.  The winner will be announced on Monday.

Thursday we got a very important message from Waxy the Witch to say that her flying potion was running out.  We had to write about making a new potion for Waxy.  We actually had some of the potion in class.

“The potion smelt like mints.” said Billie

Layla added mints to her potion.

Calum used grass to make his green.

Lillie put a cup of blood to her potion.

Lewis added eye-balls and worms. YUCK

All of us loved doing our writing this week.



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