Wind, Rain and Nets!

Another hectic week for P7 with lots of different activities to challenge us and have fun with. Monday started the week well, with us all working in class and having a together time with Mrs Craig in the afternoon. That was a very different together time because it was only ourselves and P6/5 that were there, the others were all away at the wind farm!

On Tuesday it was our turn to visit Whitelees Wind Farm, and what a place it is!! It is huge with loads of wind turbines! It used to be the biggest in Europe but now another wind farm has 5 more turbines! We had different challenges and experiments to do, all about the power of the wind! We used windsocks and anemometers to find the direction and speed of the wind, then we explored a peat bog. In the afternoon we had more experiments this time in the classroom where we had to build our own turbines, picking the number and type of blade to find which ones produced the most energy to light a little light!

On Wednesday some of us were out again in the afternoon with the forest schools. This time we started building our own shelters. We had to gather materials from all around us, decide which shape our shelter should be, and we learned how to tether the branches together to make a strong frame. The rest of us were at a netball tournament with other schools in our cluster. We have been practising with Mrs Warden at the after school netball club, but this is the first tournament we have taken part in. We all enjoyed the experience and cant wait for the next one!

“I really enjoyed the tournament, we did well since this was our first time!” – Leon

“The turbines at the windfarm were amazing and I really liked doing all the experiments!” – Katie

“It was great to welcome Jay into our class” – Madyson

“Madyson got stuck in a swamp at forest schools and had to be rescued! It took 2 people and Tracy one of our leaders to get her out!” – Sarah

“I had great fun at the Netball tournament!” – Erin

“I really liked starting to build our shelters”- Brad

“Jumping in the puddles on the way back from forest schools was great fun! My wellies filled up with water!” – Matthew

“Mrs Loosemore found a frog in the peat bog, I called him Pete!” – Kuba

“Monday was a relaxing class work day before another busy week!” – Erin

“It was awesome standing next to a wind turbine and seeing how big they really are!” – Robbie G.


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