P6/5 Weekly Highlights – Term 1 Complete!

What quick and busy last week of term! We had Mrs Campbell on Monday and had a great art lesson learning about different artists, we were at Whitelee Windfarm on Tuesday, Wednesday Mrs Ewing had us as usual and then Thursday and Friday we had Mrs Rankin.

Here are some of our highlights:

  • Charley – For music on Thursday, Mrs Ewing brought her daughter in – she played the trumpet for us.
  • Brogan – For RME, we watched Chariots of Fire to round off the Eric Liddell topic.
  • Keris – In maths we were continuing with Time and kept getting asked how long it was until break or what time it was.
  • Charley – The netball team went to Whitburn Community Centre on Wednesday afternoon. The school team came fifth!
  • Alfie – this morning we got our flu vaccinations. The nurses flew through the class and we were completed in no time.
  • Cory – On Tuesday we were at Whitelee Windfarm – it was a great day and we learnt a lot about more about wind turbines and Whitelee itself.
  • Leah – It was Parent’s Evening last night.
  • Callum – Today we had our first House Time sessions. We were answering questions about what we would like to do as a house during the year.
  • Jack – The Book Fayre was in school this week and a few of us bought books.

Here are some pictures from our visit to Whitelee Windfarm.



Have a great week off!



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