Busy, busy…busier!

What a week we have had, we have been on the go all week, not only with our every day work, but with special visits, outdoor learning and welly walking!

On Tuesday we visited the Scottish Parliament. We had time in the classroom there, where we learned more about how the parliament works and took part in a quiz about devolved powers and protected powers. Our guide was very impressed with our knowledge, we got all of our questions right! She said we were the best primary school she had had. She then took us on a tour, explaining lots about the building and the MSPs who work there. We got into the debating chamber too and saw where it all happens! After our tour we went to the chat room, we were about to start another quiz when Angela Constance our MSP came to join us! She told us all about how she became a politician and about the work she does. She also answered all our questions, it was a great end to a brilliant day!

On Wednesday afternoon we had our first session with the Forest School Rangers Hannah and Tracy. We went to the woods behind the school, the rain stayed off for us, but the ground was soaking and VERY muddy, we had a ball!! After setting  the rules for respecting each other and protecting the environment, we then set boundries as to how far we could go. Then we had some free time to explore and have fun. Next week we hope to start building dens! (we hope the rain stays away for the afternoon!!)

Thursday was our STV Childrens’ Appeal Charity Day. We had the opportunity to sing “Always take the weather with you” for Sean Batty and he really liked it! We then had great fun at the disco, designed our own dream wellies and had a weather word search to complete. Soon it was our turn for the welly walk (or should that be mud dance??). It was a great morning, and we hope we have raised lots of money for the appeal!

“I enjoyed meeting and talking to our MSP” – Shayne

” I like finding a frog, and different types and colours of leaves when we were out with Forest Schools” – Kuba

“My Mum used to cut Angela Constance’s Mum’s hair” – Madyson

“My favourite part was in Forest schools when Kuba said to Hannah, “Don’t let me go” and Robbie McC said “It’s not the Titanic Kuba!” -Sarah

“I loved that we got the opportunity to sing for Sean Batty”- Erin

“It’s great to have Alexander back with us in class” – Matthew

” I thought it was great fun playing tig amongst the trees and bushes in Forest Schools” – Keiran McG

” I like that the Pupil Voice groups are now taking place, and that I got taking pictures” – Kieron H

“Angela Constance noticed me, she said it was from the Gala Day, and asked if I was the champion. I told her that it was my brother”- Matthew

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