Tomorrow’s Welly Walk…

Good morning, quick update about tomorrow’s STV Children’s Appeal event…

The whole event takes place between 9.00-10.00am. Sean Batty will be here at that time. Please note that attendance to the coffee morning for adults/friends of the school, will be taken as your permission to be filmed/photographed, unless you speak to me directly.

The classes will be out for their sponsored welly walk at the following times:
P1/2/3 – 9.00-9.15
P4 – 9.15-9.30
P6/5 – 9.30-9.45
P7 – 9.45-10.00

You are more than welcome to walk with your child at their time – please just make your way out to the playground.

Before and/or after your child’s welly walk slot, they will be in the hall for the disco or in their class for a weather themed activity. Tunnock’s will kindly be providing goodies for the children which will be given out at some point tomorrow morning.

Children should wear wellies or suitable outdoor shoes for their welly walk (especially since it has been raining recently and the path will no doubt be a bit muddy).

All sponsor money should be brought in tomorrow or as soon as possible so we can send to the STV Children’s Appeal.

Welly planters for the competition should also be brought in tomorrow morning. We have a prize for P1-3 and P4-7 entries.

I hope this answers most of your questions about tomorrow’s event and we are all looking forward to seeing you.

Mrs Sibbald

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