What a week!

We have had another busy week. On Monday we led the school assembly. Our assembly was on Equality and Equity. We explained what each one meant and what the difference between them were. Sarah and Kuba acted in a little sketch to explain the difference too. At the end Rev. Malloch spoke to us all about being ourselves, we might all be different, but that’s okay, we should be happy with who we are, and try to be the best we can be!

We continued with our STEM project. Working on our prototype, we made changes which we hoped would improve the performance of our vehicles! Next week we hope to make bigger models, so we would be grateful for any boxes and bits and bobs that we could use. Any old cars that we could take the wheels off of (or any little wheels you may have) would be very useful too. We hope to finish off our STEM challenge by building a land wind car that we can actually sit on, so any wood and old pram or small bike wheels would be very gratefully  welcomed and accepted!

We continued our STEM experience into our writing, when we wrote out the instructions on how we built our little cars, so that others could try to do it for themselves. We made sure that we set the instructions out properly and used good technical language, including imperative verbs!

As part of our topic work, we were split into pairs and given a research task to do. Each pair had to find out information about a Greek God or Goddess that they were given. We had to make sure that we had enough info to share with the rest of the class so that we can combine all the information to make a fact file about all the Gods and Goddesses.  Later on in the week we heard the Greek Legend of Pandora’s box.

Hannah came in to talk to us about Forest Schools. Next week we are starting a 5 week block on a Wednesday Afternoon, when we will move our classroom outside to learn and use new skills!

Rev. Malloch visited us on Thursday to spend time with us in our classroom. He told us all about Paul and why he is important to the Christian Faith.

“I enjoyed hearing all about Forest Schools from Hannah, and I am really looking forward to working with her and Tracy over the next 5 weeks”- Erin

“I liked doing our assembly, I really enjoyed Kuba’s and Sarah’s drama” – Katie

“I liked gym with Mrs Warden. We got to go outside” Natasha

“I loved doing the drama with Sarah. I liked that there was a comedic side to it” – Kuba

“I really enjoyed writing out the instructions for making a wind powered car.” – Sarah

“Making improvements to our cars was challenging and fun. We got to ‘steal’ other people’s ideas to help our own designs” – Brad

“It was good having Mr Tennant back, I like playing basketball” – Leah

” I enjoyed doing the game part with the rest of the school during our assembly” – Leon

“I though Basketball was brilliant” – Robbie G

“I’m looking forward to our visit to the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday” – Robbie McC

” I liked Mr Malloch’s talk and film about Paul. How he cahnged from hating Christians to becoming one, and how he changed his name from Saul to Paul” – Kieran McG



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