P6/5 Weekly Update

We have had another quick week here in P6/5. From wind energy projects, to pictures being taken, to doing Time in maths – it flew in!

Here are some of our highlights:

  • Hannah – we were doing more work on our wind energy projects. We started building these and will finish these off on Monday and get to test them outside to see if they work.
  • Eve & Charley – we started work for our Winter display for the hall. We were painting winter scene pictures and also a rainy day scene. We used water to help blend the colours we were using.
  • Keris – we were finishing off our Achievements & Dream posters this week and some are already up on the classroom walls.
  • Alfie – in French we continued with our French Families. We were given our names, ages, flags for our countries so we had to design our characters.
  • Brogan – during RME this week we were learning about Ghandi.
  • Callum – the football afterschool club started on Monday and it was good.
  • Leah – the afterschool netball club also started this week on Tuesday and it was great.
  • Charley – on Tuesday morning we all had our pictures taken both individual and family groups.

Here are a few pictures of us building our wind models.

Have a nice weekend.



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