Learnig in P3/2

Another very busy week in class.  We have been working really hard to learn our lines and songs for the harvest assembly on Tuesday 3rd October,  Breich Valley Parish Church at 10 am.  Hope you can join us.

” I have enjoyed writing this week, I love writing poems about harvest”  Shay said.

“Numeracy has been hard this week but I have been using a rekenrek to help me with my sums.”  Says Bayliss.

Adam cant wait to find out what adventures Biff and Chip are going on now they have a magic key.

Mini-kickers in school this week has meant that P3/2 have been keeping extra fit.

“I love doing the daily mile this keeps us fit all the time and gets my body ready to do lots of work in class.”  Said Jada


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