Short but busy week

We might only have been in school 3 days this week, but they have been very busy ones. We went to gym on Wednesday with Mrs Loosemore. It was different to what we do with Mrs Warden but we had lots of fun.

Wednesday night was the evening that the Rookie Rockstars team (Nick and Aine) came back for an evening performance to show our parents what we had been doing with them last week. It was great fun, and the challenge this time was for our parents! Sarah’s Mum, Emma’s Dad, Robbie’s Gran and Jessica’s Pappy were volunteered by their family and they all agreed to take on the challenge. That was before they discovered it was a rapping challenge! They all turned out to be brilliant rappers, with Emma’s Dad being the overall winner!

We all worked hard in groups for our STEM challenge this week, we had to make a car that could move using wind power! We were given the resources and a planning sheet and had to come up with our own designs. Then we built our prototype and tested it! Our first challenge was obviously to make it move, then we tested each of them to see which teams could go the furtherest, then last of all we raced them to see which design was the overall winner! The winning car was designed and built by Robbie G, Natasha, Kieran McG and Alexandra. Now we will look at our protypes and see if we can make any improvements to make an even better model!

On Thursday we were delighted to welcome Mr Tennant and baby Olivia into our class. She is so tiny and beautiful, it was lovely to see her. Mr Tennant looked very happy as he introduced her to us. In the afternoon we again worked with Mrs Robley and Izac9.

“I loved singing with Rookie Rockstars on Wednesday night, but my favourite part was my pappy rapping “I’m a little teapot!!” – Jessica

“I really liked working with Izac9. We were doing eliminator challenges this time, they were difficult but fun to do. We then made up our own elimation questions, and we are going to try doing each otheres during a Maths Smart Start next week” – Robbie G

“I loved singing with Mrs Ewing. We are practising a song called “Stormy Weather” for when Sean Batty comes to school” –  Natasha

“I enjoyed the wind powered challenge! It was good working in a team and I was pleased with the car we made! We worked well together and were the first team to have a completed car” – Katie

“We heard the story of Cronos. He was the chief Greek God but a prophecy  said that he would be overthown by his son, so when the babies were born he ate them!! Yuk! But eventually his wife hid baby Zeus and fed Cronos a stone. He ate that thinking it was a baby. Then he was sick and trew up all the babies he had eaten who were still alive!! Yuk! I am looking forward to haring more about the Greek Gods!” – Erin

“I liked going to the gym with Mrs Loosemore and playing different games, especially benchball” – Matthew

“It was great doing Maths – we completed the Treasure Hunt that we started last week. Robbie McC, Leah and Madyson were in my team” – Sarah

“It was great that Katie won the competion to design the CD cover for the CD we made with Rookie Rockstars”- Erin

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