Primary 4

Although it has been a short week this week we have still been busy in Primary 4 and have had lots of fun.

Here are some of our weekly highlights:

“I loved the Rookie Rockstar concert and singing all the songs” -Alesha

“I loved doing Izak 9 with Mrs Robley” -Aiden

“I enjoyed playing the Simon Says game in French with Mrs Ewing” -Rachel

“I enjoyed Rookie Rockstars and I thought it was really funny when the parents had to do a rap” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed putting musical notes together to make a song” -Carla

“I enjoyed learning names for bugs in French” -Alex

“I liked philosophy when we got to sort the animals into what we thought were good and bad pets. My favourite animal was an Owl” -Lara

“I agree with Lara because I liked doing philosophy and the animal game” -Michael


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