Primary 6/5 – Rockin’ Week

This week has been a hectic week within P6/5. We had Rookie Rockstars in 4 mornings this week. It was also Maths Week so we have had a lot of extra maths this week.

Read below to see what we have been doing:

  • Jack – For maths week we were given a Target Number to try and make calculations for. We also completed a treasure hunt outside on Tuesday but had to finish off Friday as we have been so busy.
  • Callum – we had a maths lesson on Izak 9 with Mrs Robley and Mrs Rankin. This was using 9 cubes and we were set maths challenges using the cubes to help us solve the problems. We started using directions so North, South, East and West.
  • Zara – we had Rookie Rockstars in Mon-Thu mornings. Nick & Aine were here to teach us 5 songs for the concert next week. We also learned some moves to go along. They had question time and also challenge time during the sessions so there were a couple of teacher challenges which were really funny. We recorded our songs and they will be on a CD to buy – all very exciting!
  • Brodie – to end the Rookie Rockstar sessions we got to do the Pop/Rock Melody which was great fun. We get to do this again at the concert on Wed night!
  • Callum – the school had the open evening last night which a few people came along to see our classroom. Sumdog was set up on the laptop to play and also parents could see the blog on the IPad as well.
  • Brogan – our special person this week is Eve! Well done Eve.
  • All – during French we were doing birthdays and learning to say which month and date ours are in.
  • All – in PE we continued with Basketball and we also did a Joe Wicks session with the rest of the school on Tuesday. It was quite tiring.

Have a look at a few pictures from our sessions with Rookie Rockstars!

Have a nice long weekend!


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