Fun! Fun! Fun!

What a hectic week we have had, but every bit of it has been fun. We haven’t stopped all week!

Monday started it all when Rookie Rockstars entered our lives! We had no idea what to expect, but we enjoyed every minute of it from the brilliant songs, the head banging, the air guitar playing and the challenges! Every day just got better and better till we were recorded on Thursday . Now we are all waiting excitedly for the finished CD, which will be on sale at our grand performance concert  on Wednesday night!

Maths week has been fun too with lots of different challenges for us to complete. We all enjoyed Sumdog,and worked hard to complete the challenges! We started at position 196th but finished much much higher!! We also had a Maths Treasure hunt, and worked with Mrs Robley with the Izac9 cubes.

It has been a hectic week and we are all ready for a nice relaxing weekend…well Mrs Loosemore is!!!

“I am happy that every day this week I have improved my daily mile run. ” Keiran Mc

“Recording the CD with Rookie Rockstars was awesome” – Kuba

” Mrs Loosemore did us proud winning the Rookie Rockstars Fluffy Bunny challenge!” Natasha

“It’s been the funnest week in school so far” – Sarah

“I liked doing the Izzac9 challenges with Mrs Robley” – Robbie G

“Great fun with Rookie Rockstars, cant wait for the show” – Shayne

” I enjoyed the maths treasure hunt, it was challenging but fun!”-Erin

“I liked hearing Mr Tennant’s news about his new baby daughter Olivia” – Natasha

“I enjoyed the Sumdog challenges! I completed them all!”-L eon

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