P6/5 Weekly blog from Fri 1st Sept

Now I have permission to add to the blog, please find below the blog the class created Friday 1st Sept. Apologies for the delay. Thanks, Mrs Rankin.

Well this has been a busy first full week within P6/5. We have had lots of things going on this week as we get back into the school routine. Please read below to hear some of our highlights:


  • Katie – we were given a long and hard spelling test this week. This is to help the teacher to see how well are at spelling.
  • Eve – we were finishing off our Class Charter for the classroom. This is all finished and up on our walls looking very colourful.
  • Alfie – Mrs Rankin gave us a maths test to see how good we are at numeracy with some addition, subtraction, multiplication and division questions.
  • Brogan – we finished off making our Group Points display for the classroom wall so that we can add the points we collect each day to them. This week the Wise Wonka’s got the most but it was a close call!
  • Hannah – Mrs Campbell paid us a visit with P2/3 on Thursday to ask us to become Playground Pals with the P2/3s. This is to make sure everyone has a friend in the playground. We will also become reading buddies with them and will meet with them on a Tuesday afternoon for a little while. We are all looking forward to that.
  • Alfie/Hannah/Leah/Brogan – we had music with Mrs Ewing for the first time and Leah, Hannah & Brogan were singing as a trio during the lesson.
  • Callum – the SSPCA came to visit us on Monday. Dawn from the SSPCA came to explain what they do and what we should to do if we see a hurt animal. We played a game with questions about animals – please see the pictures below.
  • We are all enjoying our time on a Friday recapping on our week to share with you all!

    Just as a reminder, for PE, anyone with pierced ears needs to remove the earrings before the lesson or bring tape to cover these. Pupils will not be able to take part if either is not done.


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