Another busy week for P7!

We are beginning to get more into a routine now. This week we all got new reading groups and books (well except for one group who only had 2 chapters to do to finish the book!, but by Thursday they too had a new book! Yeah!)

Wednesday is our extended writing day, and this week we wrote a letter to ourselves. We wrote about what we enjoyed most about last year, what we are looking forward to this year working with a new class,  well a reunited class, and a (not so) new teacher. We challenged ourselves, in setting targets about what we would like to achieve this year. Mrs Loosemore says that at the end of the year we will look back at this letter to see if we have indeed achieved the targets we set ourselves. So we are all going to be trying our best to work hard to succeed!

After successfully completing our class charter, we decided to add a working agreement so that we could make our class a happy, safe, hard working, successful environment to be part of. We discussed what we thought our class should look like, and sound like then each of us gave an idea to be included in our agreement. We wrote them all down in our big book, then we all added our signature to show that we agreed with the document and would do our best to adhere to it at all times.

Next week is Maths week, so we all have passwords and usernames so we can get onto Sumdog to carry out maths challenges and take part in the Scottish Maths Challenge week. We can get onto Sumdog not only in school but at home too. We had a quick tour of the site then some of us tried some games on our own. It looks like fun and the more you do the more challenging the games get.

“I liked writing a letter to myself. I had to give myself targets, then I finished by giving myself advice as to how I could achieve the targets I had set myself. It will be fun and interesting to look back at it at the end of the year”-Kuba

“I really enjoyed getting onto Sumdog. Mrs Davidson introduced us to it, but we havent been on it since she left, so it was good to get back on. I am looking forward to the games and challenging myself!” Shayne

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