A Busy Week in P2/1

The boys and girls in P2/1 have been very busy this week sharing their ideas with each other and making decisions.

Our main job this week was to decide on our Class Charter.  The children were asked to think of ways to keep the classroom SAFE, HAPPY and a place of good LEARNING.  They were very able to think of ways to do this and are beginning to understand that everyone has a ‘right’ to come to school to be safe, happy and learning.  A group from the class also presented to the whole school at assembly and showed that they are ‘Confident Individuals’!

We have also started planning for our class topic which will be ‘Scottish Castles’.  The children were asked to draw a picture to share all they knew about castles.  As a class, and alongside P3/2, we will now plan our project, taking into account what the children already know, and what they would like to find out about.  We already have lots of exciting ideas swirling around, so keep your eyes peeled on the blog!

Here are some of the children’s initial drawings to show their existing knowledge and understanding of ‘Castles’…

Emma knew that lots of people lived and worked in a castle.

Gracie knew that a King and Queen live in a castle.

Rebecca has been to a castle before with her family.  She knows that the top parts are called ‘turrets’.

Lewis knew that there is usually water around a castle ‘to keep the bad guys away’.  Flags fly at the top of a castle and there are guards next to the drawbridge.

Seth knew lots about castles.  He knew about guards, knights, kings and queens.  He knew about the turrets at the top of a castle and the dungeon at the bottom!

Kacie E said that she has seen lots of castles and they have a clock at the top of a tower.

Kyle knew that there is water around the castle.

Nikodem has been on a bouncy castle before.  They’re lots of fun!

Leland knew that a castle has lots of bedrooms.

Jaden knew that a castle had ‘things’ on the top.  Rebecca told her they were called turrets.  She also knew that castles have a drawbridge.

Layla drew the inside of a castle.  It’s really big.

Paige drew a castle and a princess.

Kacie M knew that a King and Queen lives in a castle.  The queen’s crown sits at the top and flags fly around the castle.

David knew that a king would live in a castle and that a castle might have a tower.

Robbie drew a picture of ‘baddies’ in the dungeon.  They’ve been stealing the treasure.


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