Monster Hive Learning

We have been learning lots of things in class this week.
We have enjoyed listening to Jack and the Beanstalk and making new beanstalks through STEM.

Jada:I found it tricky because we only had two peices of paper and we had to make leaves as well.
Kasey-lee: It was quite hard to cut small leaves.
Leon: I found it tricky because it had to stand up and not get knocked down by the wind.

We have new numercay and literacy boxes that we can choose activites from and some of the activites are very challenging.

Lewis: I love the matching game using addition and subtraction with big numbers.

Jordan and Adam: We love playing the picture number dominoes game.

Through writing this week we have been learning about Robin the Robot and describing him.
Lucas: I found it good sharing my ideas about his adventure.

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