Allie Rocks!

Our roots of empathy session this week included a visit from Allie and her Mum. Allie is doing lots of different things now! She can walk round the circle with her Mum helping her. She laughs and giggles all the way round, she really likes walking! We don’t think it will be long before she is walking on her own! Allie was also eating today, her favourite food is yogurt but she was trying new things today. She tried raspberries and cherry tomatoes. She didn’t like the raspberries, but she loved the cherry tomatoes. Allie is teaching us all sorts of things. We know about how she communicates with her Mum, and everybody else, without using words; the way she is changing as she is growing and what the milestones are for her. As Allie is learning new things, so are we. We all look forward to her visits, she has changed so much from the little baby that first visited us, to the baby who visits us now, who looks at us, laughs, claps her hands and dances with us when there is music on.

“Allie was tasting new food today. If she didn’t like it, she spat it out and made a face. It was funny!” – Dylan

” I enjoyed Allie’s visit because she was tasting new food. She really liked the cherry tomatoes and wanted more of them” – Leah

“Allie was dancing to Gangam Sytle with us. Baby Gangam Style is funny, but it is cute too!” – Keris

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